Thursday, October 13, 2011

How Can You Stop Trolls Like Ron And Kirby?

My friends and I learned a lot from the mistake of ever letting these two and their friends get a foot in the door, because they became like tar paper, unwanted and hard to scrape off. We failed to take the following steps: Take them if you find yourself in our shoes.

If you are harassed or attacked on the Internet: Always remember that people like this are imposing themselves on you because their lives are lacking something, big time. They go after the ones who most have what they want. This is, really, NEVER about you at all.

1. Don't respond to them, except to say "stop harassing me."

2. If you have been friends with them and realize they are doing this to other people, or they start doing this to you, drop them. They will try to use you.

3. Don't try to defend yourself. They'll twist your words and who you are and what you do to try to use it against you. (I know that personally.)

4. Block them online any way you can. Report them to a website they are posting on. Get off a website for a couple of months if nothing else works - they'll need a fix and go find other victims.

5. Warn others privately. Cut the trolls off from what they want: attention.

6. Don't make a page like this! If they hadn't styled themselves as public people, going after public people, I wouldn't have done it. I felt I had no other option at the time. Now that it's here, I hope it helps others in the same situation.

For people who create web pages, fan clubs on social sites, or have discussion groups or message boards:

MONITOR YOUR PAGES!!! Be responsible to the people who come there because you offered an open door. Don't leave people who like you open to attack from people who hate you!!!

Thanks for the private messages of support. Please contact me through my website. I am removing any supportive messages here because I don't want anyone else attacked. But I'll leave theirs up, so you can see what kind of people they are.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Sum Of Abuse

This blog is about being harassed, and not just taking it lying down. If you've been attacked in this way, you're not alone. Remember that when people attack you it is NEVER about you -  It's always about them.

If you are a cyberattacker and are out to hurt someone on the Internet, I don't care how protected you think you are - Karma will catch up with you.

Two people who harmed me earlier in my life, though I could not get justice for my particular situations, ended up in prison because they thought they were immune to the law. Ron Tebo  and Kirby Robinson, the subjects of this blog, both like to spout that they have first amendment rights to do what they do, no matter what they write. Well the people they attack have the right to speak out as well. I'm doing it. Join me.

For those of you dealing with Internet abuse as individuals, this website, WHO@ , is a great resource, begun by people who were harrassed. I got a quick respone to my inquiries, but also a quick scolding: the best way to handles trolls is to NEVER respond to them except to write "Stop. You're harassing me." On facebook individuals can block unwanted posters. If this had been an individual case of attack, it would have been easy to put a cap on the abuse.

The problem we had was that we were on a public page that was not being monitored. Anyone who creates a public page is responsible for keeping track of that page. A & E had abandoned the page. Concerned fans tried to stop something that A & E didn't even care was going on.

If you're a pagemaker, especially a celebrity who has a fan page, remember this: Be responsible to your fans and keep your page monitored. When trolls attack IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT YOU. Fans get caught in the crossfire. Think about the people who appreciate you and keep your page cleaned up.

I kept waiting for a suggested new official fan page for Psychic Kids and finally gave up when the attacks became more widespread and awful. I've created a new fan page, Psychic Kids: Afterword. We've left the old page behind. The trolls think this is a victory, but - how can it be a victory when no one is cheering you, and more people dislike you than ever? We don't want anything to do with the "victorious!"

In fact, few outside of the paranormal community would take this seriously. In October, I sent e-mails to advocate organizations, legal and law enforcement organizations, and to the media. It dosn't matter who has done what - mention the words psychic and paranormal, and I'm afraid the mainstream society still dismisses all of us as "nuts." I received little interest and less advice back. I would think, in reality, Kirby and Ron get much of the same response. They just aren't willing to admit it. They don't have the attention that they claim.

Ron, posting as "OJ" on one of these entries, noted there were no other comments on the pages. That's because the messages are coming to my e-mail, and that's where I suggest you get in contact with me. I've protected the others involved on this blog as much as possible, but these guys like to go for the jugular. You can reach me through my website, on the sidebar. I want to hear what you have to say.

This blog is going to be linked through a series of public articles on cyberattacks, bullying, and other related topics over the next few months.  I'll come back and post the links when they are finished. The link is being sent out to a number of people. Please feel free to share it. If you have something that you feel should be added right here, let me know.

Kirby posted this:

Kirby seems to have  nothing else in his life but this hatred, even when he pretends he has other things to do. So be it. I do know what I'm talking about. And I've had enough of talking about it. It's a beautiful day outside.

This "scary odd woman" has other things to do. I will add new information when necessary. I would love to add the news one or both of these men have been arrested for something, anything.  I do want to hear if you've been put through something similar. I hope, someday soon, that there are real solutions for this kind of harassment.

The harassment has stepped up since I created this blog. It's sort of stunning to see such childishness in people who want to bring people down to "their level" in order to feel better about themselves. But they are never going to feel better about themselves. They will just finally hit a brick wall they have built out of their own hate.

Thank you for reading. I hope it helps.

PS October 13: I have to ask this question: Kirby Robinson, if you don't believe what you've done is harassment, why did you just vote that Internet Harassment should not be a federal crime? Just asking...are you afraid that someday with all you've written, you just might go to jail?

Why Didn't We Just Walk Away From The Trolls?

If this had been any other kind of fan page, when the trolling started, we would have left. I certainly would have: in most circumstances I live by the rule "don't feed the trolls."  But there were other people coming to the page we were concerned about: The new readers who would raise the membership on that page to over 20,000 fans, and the reason that most of us came there:

The kids. Not just the kids on the show, but the kids who would wander there looking for help. The kids that we didn't want to see things like this: How'd you like your child to see this?

We were faced with this spammed image again and again, posted by a couple of drones, in a frenzied idea that, like anti-abortion protestors showing pictures of bloody fetuses, this would drive people away. Well, yes, it did. A lot of people. But not the few fans who were very concerned about what Ron and Kirby's sockpuppets and drones were posting there where the children might see. That's why we stayed and fought.

I did my best to make sure the page was never just filled with these images, and some of the examples that will follow below. The posts I placed on the board were links to the show, to related websites, and to the articles and videos I had made to help answer frequently asked questions over the three years the series was on the air.

This is an example of what I did. People who had been on the show and other friends of the show posted similar materials, but I posted the most, because I'm unemployed, and had the time:

I tried hard to stick to just posting what was useful, but trolls are good at digging at people until they answer. This is an example of trying to post reason against these guys:

On occasion I did lose my temper, or try something to draw out the anonymous posters to find out who they were, which sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. I even tried being cruel back on a few occasions - which only backfires. But when people are constantly throwing ugly words and pictures at you, you want very badly to use the same ammunition. In face to face life that often works - when someone is scaring you, scare them back! I once scared two muggers off of me just by using my deepest most theatrical voice and spouting obscene words and come-ons to them. It saved me from getting hurt. But the Internet has a distance and an invisibility that makes some people think they can get away with anything.

The policies of social websites like facebook are not helping. There's not enough monitoring going on.

Anyone who puts up a public page needs to be aware they have to keep monitoring their own pages. A & E is not willing to do that. So when the awful stuff started being printed, a few fans stepped in. I stepped in the most, because I was already used to it. I thought.

Whoever knew posting Christian messages over and over and over again would be experienced as harassment? Sweet little sayings and prayers and messages that I won't post here because I have more respect for Christianity than the people who used it in that way. We were hit by dozens of these posts. In between all the sweet caring  Christian posts, were more dozens of repeated items like these:

Well, that stated their intention plainly! Then there were these: this was like a mantra:

I tried finding out who some of the anonymous drones were and hit one nail on the head - which is not a good idea. The guy went ballistic instead of away. One very stupid woman who posted under her own name turned out to be a "professional" exorcist who bragged in one post that she had witnessed a child being put through two years of exorcisms. If this is true, this person accusing us of child abuse was accessory to religious child abuse. These two, along with Kirby, were the ones who posted the sweet Christian sayings and prayers and concerned warnings over and over again. I finally had it, and posted my own prayer after Kirby poured out one of his own. Now he claims mine was a magic spell: but it's the kind of prayer, in my personal belief, that I can say. Note: I call anyone who tries to demonize people or are obsessed with demons "demon makers," and I had had it up to my neck with some of us being called things like Satan and demon!

They had been burrowing their intentions into us. I won't bore you with the hundreds of examples I have on screenprint. All sorts of bizarre claims, name calling, "I am a good and mighty defender and you are evil!" types long rants. It was tiring, aggravating, and we didn't want any children or parents of psychic kids faced with the junk that was being scattered on the page.

But it just wouldn't stop.  My personal attack favorite - saw it lots of times: Irritating but funny - these people live in very old times:

In mid September, Michelle (quoted below), someone who had been on the show and is close friends with people on the show finally found someone who could get A & E to lock the page against new threads and hide the posts page fans had made. None of them are gone, they're just hidden away. If anyone can ever take legal actions against the harassment, it's all there, blocked from view.

But Kirby and some of the others just wanted to take the credit. Kirby overreached into It Never Happened Land:

Yes, a crack legal team - or Kirby on crack. You decide.

There is so much more we went through. A lot of it much worse than I've shown you. I just don't want to look at it any more. All screen prints are stored in case the Internet ever smiles on us and we can take these people to court.

Oh, just a note for the "latest" of the anonymous drones, Temperance English, hanging in there, determined to have a victory and shaking your enormous pom-poms. You're alone in the stands. There's no team on the field. No one cares. There's just a cleaning team looking up at a crazy person screaming in an empty stadium. And they all look up and go, "oh! That's Aanica, isn't it?" then go back to work...Nothing new under a very small sun...

Friday, October 7, 2011

"I'll get you my pretty!" from Tebo The Wicked Witch

Thanks for the warning, Ron. And for coming out and just being you.

There were requests for help from several children right after this post. I didn't do anything differently - I send them some place to read info already prepared for them on being okay with who they are, and being careful. I can't do anything more than that. It wouldn't be responsible. The one time I advised a child over the phone it was only by arrangement with her mother and her mother had to be there. If I ever teach children about psychic ability - and I haven't yet - a parent must be with the child. Nothing else.

Anyway - I didn't give out the "candy" Ron wanted me to offer, and that was the end of that trap.

He loves to dismiss people as being beneath him:

"Less significant" - he loves to toss that idea around. Along with the different synomyms of stupid - especially at women.

Notice the IMO again. When we get to the sock puppets you'll see it again and again.

"Your statement is infantile" - anyone not know that's another way of saying I'm stupid? Like disgusting is another form of ugly?  I have a lot of similar screen shots of this kind of language.

Answer to Ron: I've had my own attention, I don't need yours. I've been around famous people off and on many times in my life. And by that I mean people who aren't just famous in their own minds. My longtime companion was one of Luciano Pavarotti's accompanists, and with him I met some of the most famous opera singers in the world.  I was once run over by Rudolph Nureyev. I've performed with the Chieftains. I've met and sometimes played with many of my musical heroes. I performed with The Atlanta Shakespeare Company for ten years, including performances in Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London. I've been a singer, an actor, a festival performer. I've met presidents and astronauts. First Lady Rosalyn Carter once played a joke on me. I've dined at the elbow of Martin Luther King Sr. I've met many people, been many things, and had a full life. In spite of opinions like, how did you put it at the top of this page?

Another insult made in as many ways as you could figure out how to say. You know what I learned being around famous people? That the constant attention is tiring, especially when there are nuts like you out there trying to hook your wagon to some kind of star, so you can get more attention. I haven't become famous because I don't mind watching from the shadows. I'm not a hustler so I've never made much money. And I've never been pretty enough to be taken advantage of. I love doing what I've done, and yes, I've appreciated the praise and applause along the way, but I like going home better, and doing what I do. Just that.
What have you really done with your life?

Ron Tebo: I didn't say that!

Has Ron ever called any of the Psychic Kids fans child predators? Did he call me one?

He tried to hedge the truth in the statements he made in this thread:

Ron loves to say "I didn't say that!" But yes he did. Most times he tries to do it indirectly, but his meaning always hits home. But sometimes, he just goes for it.

The following is a long segment going back and forth between sockpuppets. I don't know who Ralph is yet, but look at the RED FLAG in Michael's post - Michael Winlet, with the promo picture possibly from a gay men's website, is Ron. Then, he came back and posted as himself.

On his website, he printed the following information: shortly afterward, one of the people named was shocked when the person's place of employment received an e-mail warning they had a child predator as an employee. The employer fortunately believed the employee. Others received messages and mysterious phone calls. Full names are blocked for their protection:

When Ron refers to "old bags" he means the few fans who have stood up to him again and again, all women. The private group Ron refers to is a group that we started so we could go back to having discussion without fear of being interrupted by long diatribes.

The item above was quickly pulled from scifake, along with a longer post directly attacking people through links, including the person who was attacked through the person's place of employment.

Ron and Company  is out to destroy lives. There are so many more screen shots than these examples.

It's a psychological truth, that when someone is most obsessed with a certain type of behavior, that person either secretly performs that behavior or wants to. I've already shown you why I feel Ron was probably never abused, but with his ugly treatment of women, and his constant obsession against abusers - think about it. Has he abused someone? If you are someone who knows anything about Ron that points to physical or sexual abuse committed by him, contact me privately. I'm giving plenty of evidence that he has an abusive personality right here.

So How Do Ron & Kirby Play The Game?

The most important thing you need to know, before you even start reading:

Ron sets up paranormal celebrities with trolling to drive traffic to his website.

I found Ron admitting this in other posts on a couple of discussion boards away from his website. He attacks people so they will come to his website to see what awful things he is writing or allowing to be written about them. This is how he brings in numbers. He wants the attention, no matter what it costs other people. Kirby is somewhat the same way, except that Kirby is not smart enough to know Ron is using him because Kirby goes after people so relentlessly.

This is how they play their game.

This is Ron being caught plotting with Kirby - after this comment they started being careful to not call me by name for awhile, just call me "that ill woman" and other epithets. It was a new move in their game.

Make no mistake about it, it is a game, made more fun for them if anyone takes the issues seriously - so they can have someone to bash. Just like in grade school, the bullies go after the serious people in the crowd.

Whether or not you, reading here, have been involved in this particular kind of harassment from this group, or have experienced something similar, you might want to keep the "rules of the game" in mind in case you run into this method sometime. It's like Tic Tac Toe: The only way to win the game is to never enter into it.

What is the game?

In the case of the Psychic Kids discussion page on facebook, the game was to take it down completely, by making themselves as big a problem as possible. Since they have discovered that facebook does little about the problem of group harassment, they have taken this for all they're worth. And since A & E is doing nothing about monitoring the page unless poked and prodded a lot, they have taken the open door for all its worth. Unmonitored pages are made for flamer gamers.

If you have been in on all the several rounds of this particular game (I hadn't, others have told me) you would notice you wouldn't find Ron Tebo's name on the page until people start talking about him. That's what he's looking for, that's what makes the game worth his time - mention his name, he's happy. Now - he will rarely say something in public that you will find mean. It's like, if any of you have seen the original Butch video he had up on youtube (which came down as soon as I started this blog) he acted polite and deferential in front of Butch, but when he was videotaping himself all alone, vicious Ron came out in private. This is his standard mode of operation. He's good at being a fake around other people unless you get him at a weak moment.

In order to "safely" bring mean Ron out in public, he'll form another sockpuppet account, or change a name on a sockpuppet account he has on facebook. One thing I noticed in September was sock puppets would have the same profile avatar or list of friends or interests, job, location, over and over again, but a different name on the page. A mistake was made at one point, because real people's pictures started being borrowed, and I recognized one, and noticed another was from an ad for a gay men's website.

Now, Kirby does the same thing with sockpuppets but is not clever about it. Ron will try to have a little more variety in the characters but will eventually let them go and you recognize his writing style. Kirby can't vary his writing style - he can just let mean Kirby out to play. If you have never seen anything but holy Kirby, go read letters at, and you will see mean little Kirby boy come out - the phrasing will look familiar.

When sockpuppets aren't being used, willing accomplices from their small pool of friends will come out and help. I have no idea how many actual friends these two have, because it's all rather like watching one tennis match played with multiple balls on the court at the same time - you get whiplash trying to keep up. In accounts of their abuse recently, it seems there is a core group of five overgrown bullied. But the names change with each round. Some of the sockpuppet and drone names Psychic Kids fans on facebook will not forget any time soon are Said Erol (a drone, God of War on, Savanah Barton (gegoriasgirl on the Internet among other names), Tommy Moon (he was the one who first said he was reporting me as a child predator) Izrope Nowiceit, and a few very strange people who dared put their real names up there along with fake ones. There have been lesser names, I won't go through the list here - but they have used a LOT of names. Ron actually boasts about his influence over people at times and in this example, his supposed domination over women: he addresses Jenn, a fan, about a drone in this comment made in April 2011:

More likely Ron would say pump up the volume. Or add to it with more and more attacks.

For now: this is what I have to contend with on the Internet :

All for a little game of mean.  What facts are there have been twisted, but no, I'm not a witch. That name was given to me because of the name of a dream I once had. I have no aliases. And I'm not marching kids into any psychic camps, but I'll not explain anything else for now. In the screenprint above, though the byline says Paula from Florida on the full screenprint, this sockpuppet is Ron. How do I know right off the bat? "IMO." He uses it a lot. It also has his usual misspellings. You will see RED FLAG used by other sockpuppets later on. I've gotten to know the writing style really well, and you'll see that style again in later screenprints with his name on the posts. Like here:

Let's shorten up the description of the game now: Ron and Kirby trade off "good cop, bad cop" methods, and bring in a group of people and puppets to vary the action, from any type like just "concerned person" to maniac poster. Friends and I got in the habit of looking at the profile of the poster first to see if any telltale puppet signs were visible. Most of the time there were. Sometimes it was just an inncoent bystander who just happened to question the show. But, for a little while, even they would be pulled into the cycle of abuse.

In the meantime, what did we do? Left the Psychic Kids official page to them and created a new moderated fan page, since A & E was not going to be a responsible pagemaster. All of them except one very sick obsessed drone immediately got bored and moved on.

The move to a moderated board hasn't stopped the game. They love the game. They are the game.
The game continues by pushing until someone breaks and lashes back. Then the person who is reacting is accused of abuses Ron Kirby & Co have done themselves - and it just keeps snowballing. It is a game that has no foreseeable end - until Ron or Kirby get tired. Or - pushes the wrong person's buttons someday. Who knows when. But wait - that's probably why they spend more time abusing women than men, because they are afraid some day, some guy is going to come after them. You can only play a game so long before someone takes it very seriously. I would prefer the law to take them in. We need laws against this kind of harassment. We don't have them. That's a recipe for disaster.

Here's some references to some of the other cruel games they have played. If you have any others send me the link.

Will Scifake Ever Learn?

RIP Critics Credibility

Preschool in session

Looking For Fame When You're A Blind Man With A Forked Tongue.

Kirby is legally blind.

There will be some who ask why I dare bring his physical disability up. Well, for one thing, he and his bully pack have made a big deal of it since Chip Coffey recently imitated on video how Kirby watches television in order to "carefully" monitor paranormal shows - he has to sit right up on the screen. Also: Chip's been harassed by Kirby for a long time. We were all in the middle of a big push of the harassment the day the video was recorded. He was making light of an aggravating situation. Cut him some slack.

I will say Kirby thinks nothing of insulting me and my physical attributes in every way he can, but bullies always do that.

No, I'm bringing up the blindness for another reason:

There is another disability many visually impaired people have that you don't realize until you live or work with them, as I have, or actually spent time being blind - I was temporarily blind as a teen:

They can't see the social clues, so they don't pick them up.

Have you ever realized how much of our communication is visual? It's difficult for someone who is blind to learn how to fit into society. If there are other reasons for not being able to fit in, psychological reasons, emotional reasons, then the task becomes too difficult.

Where Ron makes enemies just to get attention, Kirby makes enemies because he just can't see he's being the enemy.  It's like one of his beloved demons chasing its own tail. He's determined to catch the enemy but he never will. In the meantime, everyone else who is paying attention can see him, like a cat waiting behind a grass blade, ready to pounce. Kirby, who wants to be so very big, is a very, very small thing.

I am not cold to the fact that Kirby Robinson is losing his eyesight. But even without the physical problem his vision was already impaired. A narcissist never looks past his own face.  And Kirby really can't.

In addition: Kirby has a savior complex. He isn't following Jesus Christ, he has to be the savior!  Kirby once wrote  that "some people think I am Superman." The "some people" is Kirby.

 He believes that repeatedly quoting scriptures and saying he is a true Christian will give him victory over his enemies- ie, make him more noticeable. Never mind that a few months ago he claimed on a radio show that he was Buddhist, but he really doesn't know the difference. From what he has written, he doesn't seem to see the differences. Is it because he knows is that both religions have qualities people admire, and he just wants to be admired?

There are many reasons I have to laugh when Kirby presents himself as a good holy Christian.

For one thing: Kirby can't keep himself from lying. It's a compulsion.

In the middle of the Psychic Kids flame wars, Kirby announced that he was personally flying to Atlanta to meet with the A.B.A. to discuss the qualifcations of Chip Coffey's attorney, who had sent an e-mail to Ron Tebo to warn him to stop libeling Chip as a fraud and child predator.

The American Bar Association? In Atlanta? Why would he have to fly from Los Angeles to see them at all? What would he accomplish on the trip? He could just call or e-mail and find out what he wanted to know. He never did say anything more about the trip.

And...Funny how he didn't take any time off from harassing people that week.

The next week he had his "team of attorneys" serve me with papers suing me over book reviews I had written on his e-books, hysterical that I had used the phrase (justly deserved) that some things in the book were "plain made up." He claimed his lawyers forced to take down the reviews. He also claimed Amazon affirmed that I was always doing "nasty things."

The truth is I deleted the reviews in the wee hours one morning just to see if he would claim he had something to do with it - and he did.

As for the claims of a weekend of conferences with his attorneys - Really? He spent that much money on a bad review, which was not his first? And...he didn't notice the reviews until Sunday. He could contact attorneys in L.A. with a claim on a weekend?  Even when asked repeatedly, Kirby would not supply the names of his team of attorneys. He couldn't. There were none.
Of course...I never was served with papers. Kirby doesn't know where I am. I never even received an e-mail from attorneys - that could have been done through my website. And, of course, I would confirm that the e-mail actually came from attorneys, then would send them my evidence about Kirby.

But none of that happened. He just left the idea hanging in the air that he did these things.  It's a method he uses over and over again - lie and then be silent when asked to prove the lie is true, like any child who can't learn to handle the truth.

In this recent attack on Chip Coffey Kirby claimed that he couldn't file a lawsuit yet because filing for a lawsuit would cost him $25,000. The fee for filing a civil complaint like this varies, but it averages between $300 and $500 across the country. Lawyers get expensive, but he should have already known that since he claimed to spend so much time with lawyers in September.

I pointed this out and he wrote the lawyer demanded this amount up front. I would think that would be to discourage him from suing, if that happened at all. Kirby is obviously not the kind of man who can put down that much of a retainer fee.

Yet he claims he flies off here and there all the time. While doing exorcism work for free for everyone. at what?

Who's footing his bills? Is he doing all of this on government disability?

There are no high paying jobs for demonologists, his career of choice. (I am rolling my eyes big time.)

Kirby claims to be a demonologist and exorcist with 25 years of experience.

Kirby claims he graduated in the class of 1981 from Indiana State University, majoring in history. He does not list a degree. He also claims to have graduated class of 2004 in psychology from Los Angeles City College. It sounds very impressive. If he graduated from IU with, I assume, a bachelor's degree, how did he go back to an Associate's degree level college, and get a degree in psychology? Psychology is taught at LACC, but in preparation for an Associate's degree in Human Services. In other words - it's a prepatory program for social workers, NOT for psychologists. There's no degree in psychology there. He replied to this by listing all the classes he took in psychology, but he still doesn't list a DEGREE.

Neither school has courses in demonology, and studies in history can lead to graduate work in theology, which might include demonology. However, unless he were an actual university trained clergyman - well, you get my drift.

As far as I am concerned, the only qualified exorcist is a true Catholic or Anglican priest who has been prepared through years of study, and knows how deep the Catholic belief in demons goes. And then, I respect it as a belief I do not share. I don't believe demons. And, I have noticed over the years, if you don't believe in demons, you never have paranormal problems with them.

Belief creates demons.

Kirby attracts them - the human kind. He uses them to make trouble for other people.

Who can't see that?

Only people as psychologically blind as he is.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Kirby Robinson: The Mirror Gazer

In the middle of the long and aggravating experience of dealing with the constant posts from a self proclaimed demonologist/exorcist/psychic/medium named Kirby Robinson, Psychic Kids' Christopher Fleming wanted me to be sure to read up on narcissism. I didn't have to - I understood. So does Lisa Maliga, Kirby's editor of his self published e-books. Just the word describes Kirby.

Did Lisa Maliga base a fictional character on Kirby? Lisa has responded to this entry and said no, but, as a writer who has used real people as models for characters, I still question whether she did, at least in part:
Take a look and see what you think.

Lisa wrote:

"Love Me, Need Me is about a bumbling sexual predator, narcissist, and author of three insipid zombie books. Middle aged Arlen J. Stevenson hails from Alabama. His relentless and often hilarious pursuit of women leads him to our other protagonist, Los Angeles-based writer of term papers, Helena Hoffman...

[Lisa Maliga is a Los Angeles based writer.]

...we see Arlen's self-absorbed lifestyle as he endeavors to screw his numerous catches all over the South. Helena and Arlen get friendlier via their online communication, and he invites her to be his personal manager because of her communication skills, gullibility factor and location..."

Middle aged Kirby J. Robinson hails from Indiana. That is just too rhymingly poetic to be a coincidence. And the description is too close to things people who have been the targets of his harassment have noticed about Kirby - he goes after people who have the things he wants: attention for being what he wants to be. People who are on the inside, who are on television, on radio, in the spotlight, and making income for talents he can't begin to have.  His jealousy knows no end - seriously. I have volumes of screen prints of posts because he just can't stop harassing people.

Is he a bumbler? Big time.

If you look at most of his posts one at a time, you wonder where the harassment is. He loves to spout bible-isms. This is funny coming from a self proclaimed Buddhist. He loves Chip Coffey. When he doesn't hate him. He hates Christopher Fleming because Chris is young, good looking and has everything, everything, Kirby wants for himself. He uses lots of sock puppets and drones - when they aren't praising Kirby, they're saying mean things Kirby wouldn't dare say out loud himself. I think that's why he likes Ron Tebo: Ron is mean. Kirby is - seriously - not of this planet. He is the kind of troll which compells you to be there to understand how awful he really is. But if you are there observing him at his game, that's what he wants - the attention. Be his mirror. He'll only see his own reflection, not you. The only mirror that really bothers him is someone like me, because that's too clear a mirror. That's why he has mounted a heavy attack against me, that only reveals his own deep dishonesty and flawed personality. On the surface he's all fiction.

No, I shouldn't say all. He actually will post things that are very truthful. Quotes from other people without crediting them. Quotes that reflect his true personality:

That's a Jewish proverb. Kirby quotes from others on a daily basis without ever giving credit where credit is due - he just basks in the compliments for what he copied.

I haven't seen anything he has done himself that he can be proud to take credit for.

Update: November 3, 2011

I've just checked by Kirby's blog to see what the latest ramblings are, and copy them for reference, but: well, here's the latest from Eye on The Paranormal:

Only one thing is true: I contacted the FBI, because I was told by facebook resources to contact the FBI. I didn't think I should for our problem. But it helped in research for some articles I am doing, on what people should do who find themselves in this kind of fix. The sad part is, there isn't much that can be done. Not yet. But the articles are coming out within the next few weeks. I learned a lot about personal and legal perceptions about harassment, by contacting support organizations, and other organizations that cover this topic.

Kirby does no research, talks to no one but his mirror, and is an aggravation. He has no facts going for him. Really, he has nothing going for him but his own very strange imagination, fueled by a few others as mentally off balance as he is. Never take him seriously. He's not worth the energy of getting angry about it.

Kirby Robinson is nothing.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sometimes I Feel Like A Sexually Abused Child

Sometimes I do feel like a sexually abused child. Because I was. To say the experiences ruined a huge chunk of my life is unnecessary - it's a given. I keep the details mostly private. The most life changing instances happened when I was twelve years old and stopped my emotional growth for a long time. I told no one, so nothing was done to help me. I was so ashamed and hurt and felt so worthless.

As an adult I accepted that there was no legal action I could take in revenge for what had happened. But also, as an adult I understood a harder lesson: That the only way to get over it was accept that it had happened, look the abuse squarely in the eye, put it in the past, and move on.

So, you would think I would applaud Ron Tebo's claim that he confronted his sexual abuser, whom he called Butch, and that he made a video of the confrontation. It was an act that got him a lot of attention from the news media in 2010. People seemed to think it was a brave, gutsy act, and admired him for it.

I don't. I personally have to ask questions: Would anyone who had actually gone through that abuse ever go by himself and confront his abuser? All alone? And would that abuser allow him to walk away with a video?

What is Ron's story?

Ron claims that for about a year, when his sister was four to five years old and he was six to seven, a fifteen year old neighbor boy named Butch molested them both. But - sometimes it's unclear just which of his three younger sisters he is talking about. It depends on what report you read, and where you were in the video - when it could be seen. It's also unclear how long this abuse went on. One time? many times? There are lots of questions.

 The video Ron Tebo posted on youtube just happened to disappear right when I first announced this blog was happening. Was that a coincidence?  It didn't matter except now you can't see it: I had already watched the video a number of times. A short clip included in a news piece by WKBW Eyewitness News is still available here and here  .

Ron, in talking about the abuse, would in some accounts say he and his little sister were living in Boston New York at the time of the abuse. At other times, he would say they lived in Colden New York. Yes, the towns were close, and they lived in a rural area. But, having been in somewhat the same position as a child, I never mixed up which town was my home town.

I've spent a good deal of time looking at the video of Ron recalling his story for reporters. As I brought up in my previous blog entry: Remember that looking down to the right with the eyes can be an indication of lying. This is one of Ron's biggest habits. Look at the video on this page. By the way - in the video that was on youtube, one could see that when Butch was recalling things, he looked down to the left. This, according to body language, was a man remembering - not making things up.  Ron looks down to the left when talking about his sister's abuse. He looks down to the right when talking about his.

Other items that beg questions:

Have you ever seen men or women confront their abusers on, for example, The Doctor Phil Show? There's a universal body language that shows up when someone goes back into the mouth of that particular hell: We have a tense curve to our shoulders that shows the weight we have born because of the abuse. The spine is braced for a new blow. We hold ourselves tight, we are tense, unless something has happened to take that weight off of us. You might the impression that we know if we let go, we'll explode.  Ron's body language was relaxed throughout the video, even when he was talking about getting Butch for what he had done. His face would be animated with emotion at times, but his body remained relaxed.

The editing of the video disturbed me. The Ron talking in the car to the camera was more like the Ron I've encountered, more vicious than angry. When he talked with Butch he turned on another favorite tactic and pulled a 180, which can be seen in the news clip: That of the understanding, "compassionate" Ron.  Almost oddly thankful that this "vile" person was talking to him - the same 180 he showed to Jack McClellan in one of the videos I pointed out in the last blog entry. In the same way, he has sometimes written that he's appreciative of psychic Chip Coffey, whom he attacks a lot. For what? For helping him get noticed by more people?

On the youtube version, there are a lot of solo shots of Ron created at the location where he spoke to Butch. Would it be reasonable for a man being accused of child abuse, whether or not he was guilty of it, to stand by and watch this videotaping go on for what has been reported as thirty minutes of taping? Also, I must question - I heard and have read comments that Butch didn't know he was being videotaped. Tell me - would you have missed that camera if someone was coming at you for over a half an hour in an out of doors situation?

Below you see a story board modelled from different screen shots from the video. If Ron was keeping the video taping secret from Butch as he claimed - how'd he get all his face shots so close up? And - yes - most of the shots were of Ron's face. Butch is the man in the white shirt in two story board images below. For those of you who don't know what a story board is, it's what you use to plan a commercial or film's action. Watching the video, and how it was cut and pieced together, I got the impression of a video that was not raw then cut for time, but one that was edited and rearranged.

The youtube footage of Tebo confronting Butch showed a man who did not seem surprised to see Ron when Ron first approached him. Why? It didn't seem like the beginning of a sudden confrontation, it seemed like a continuation of something Butch really wanted to get away from - not so much out of guilt, because he was accepting responsibility for molesting one of the girls. He seemed in the video to be experiencing a feeling like anyone who has tangled with Tebo knows too well: A feeling of just wanting to do anything to get the guy to shut up. As you can see from the story board above, Ron's very hard to shut up. The mouth was continually in motion.

Did Butch molest one of Ron's sisters when he was fifteen years old? I watched Butch look down to the left when recalling things, and yes, I believe him, he did. Did a fifteen year old boy molest BOTH a boy and a girl? Highly unlikely. Like any person of sexual orientation, molesters almost always have one preference or another, not both genders. Butch said he harmed one of the sisters, but Ron really pushed the idea of his molestation AT the man. It was almost like - "Don't forget me. I was there. Me too."  Butch consistently said "I don't remember that," and as he did, looked down to the left, in recall, not to the right, making things up. He didn't remember - because there was nothing to remember?

And what about the idea this molestation happened again and again and again? I saw several mentions of "repeated abuse." Yet - in the video, and in some reports, the attack happened inside a 1957 Ford Fairlane parked in the back of Tebo’s home in a small town in rural New York. More than once? Excuse me, but - you could never get me near the places where I was abused ever again. How'd you get TWO kids to come back and back and back?

There was no legal action that Ron could take. There existed at the time a statute of limitations that affected both criminal and private court action. But there was something that forced Ron to take down his website What was it? Was it because Butch COULD sue him for libel, and if the case went to court, Ron's entire story would fall part?

There was no indication that this confrontation was a life changing experience for Ron except for one thing: He brings it up a lot. Or did until now. That might change. When I finally put my abuse behind me, it was definitely a life changing experience. It's a process of letting completely go of it. Those of us who have been through this prcoess from beginning to end know what I mean.

In the end, one has to wonder - if there wasn't anything in that video but the truth, why did Ron pull it the instant he knew I was writing about this? I know that for a fact, because I was watching the video just before it disappeared.

Update: Thanks to a friend for pointing out this link on TYT Network showing a very revealing part of the video: Ron shows his two sides. 

Suppose You Were A Web Designer Like Ron Tebo

Suppose you wanted to make a lot of money for yourself as a web entrepreneur. How would you do it? Try different businesses until one of them clicked? Or try promoting different hot button search engine trends until one of them took off?

Ron Tebo does both. Because businesses named things like GoRonnie and Menu Schmenu might not have the trending capabilities that can get a guy noticed (yes, both of those names are among Ron's many business attempts), finding a trendy topic is probably the best way to go.

How high do you think items about child predators trend? Very high.

In fact, in 2007 the name of a self proclaimed pedophile named Jack McClellan charted pretty much through the roof, with a trending index of 150. For reference: President Obama trends at 80 on the Google index. 2007 is when Ron Tebo used McClellan's name and started a website called

That's how Ron Tebo found himself on television and radio - he started using a very hot name, and told people who came to his site that he going to fight against child predators. Why? Because he was abused as a child!

This illustration of Ron's face is modelled from one of the many videos shown of Ron's interviews during that time. I want you to look at it because I want you to notice something each time you watch a video of him being interviewed: Observe each time he looks down in just this way, to the right. According to body language, this is a common sign that someone is being creative - or possibly deceptive. If someone is looking to the left, they are recalling something, usually remembering details. Remember this. Watch when this action happens. It might help you form a few questions. Also remember this as we go through the next two sections of this blog, going deeply into this topic.

Ron himself has often repeated the full list of news shows and organizations that interviewed him after he created He was interviewed on CBS , on Larry King (transcript), on Fox News, by Glenn Beck (CNN transcript, scroll down), and several other media venues. I have seen a complaint to a gentleman named Ben on a page of facebook called The Survivor's Club in which he complained that ABC was not airing his September interview. The complaint was made April 14 of an unknown year (facebook doesn't post years) and I do not know whether this was about McClellan or the more recent story we will cover next - but it shows how determined Ron was to get on television. He asks Ben to "be the voice and inspiration to millions. Air my story!" Is he asking Ben to be the inspiration to millions, or is he wanting that for himself?

People have questioned why Ron did this from the beginning.  One person, Xavier von Erck, published his ideas about Ron in a piece called Navigating Stupidity. Ron's  response to Xavier is typical of Ron's responses, which snowball over time (I know that method only too well). The twist is that Ron had actually contacted Xavier asking him to help promote his story (see Xavier's piece). In Ron's response he ridiculed Xavier for having a website called Evil Vigilante - and yet, he apparently thought that was a terrific idea, because he borrowed the concept for, his current project. Ron's tour of the media was very broad, including a very odd turn in interviews during which he defended - yes defended - Jack McClellan. After all, he owed a lot to Jack. On the video of the Fox News Interview, Ron comments about Jack McClellan: "My right hand wants to shake his hand, my left hand wants to knock him up the side of his head, because, you know, if it wasn't for Jack, I wouldn't be here..." It was a sentiment he would repeat time and again.

But media attention only lasts so long. Ron decided to become an Internet vigilante and find other prey to keep things going. Fortunately for him (not for some of us!) that opportunity came fast and hard with  the sharp rise in paranormal shows, and the possible godsend (for him) of a series called Psychic Kids. He started concentrating a lot of time on his business with His interest in predators and psychic fakery dovetailed nicely for him in this series.

His need for attention to keep things going led to regularly attacking Chip Coffey and Psychic Kids, then snowballed into acts that eventually brought him my way. But more on all that later. Let's go back and take a look at another method of getting noticed.

If you are a man like Ron, and have tasted the fruits of public attention all over the place, what do you do to keep that attention?

Is one of the options to go find the guy that abused you? And - why not make a video of confronting him?

Whoops - I can't provide a link to that video, because the video suddenly disappeared from youtube the day I posted on facebook that I was starting this blog.

Well - no, not quite gone. Not completely. And...I'd already seen it. Numerous times.

That's coming up next.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Deeper Into The Methane Cloud

In August 2011 ABC's Primetime did an episode on "Psychic Power" which put Dr. Lisa Miller, the psychotherapist featured on the first season of Psychic Kids, on the spot. [This series has now been removed from view online by ABC.] Our intrepid trolls took that as an opening to start up again on the Psychic Kids page. I so did NOT want to go back. And now, I can't tell you what broke my intention not to go, because the month of troll trashing that followed was so bad and repetitive, I can't remember a lot without referring to the screen prints of what was posted. Kirby and Ron pulled in a couple of very obsessive people and various other drones and sock puppets to help them harass the page. I'm not going to name any of the rest of them: one, they haven't made themselves public personas, and, two, I want to forget these  creepy people. A friend summed them up as "Masturbators For Jesus," (MFJ) utterly selfish people using Christianity to bash Psychic Kids fans. Kirby is the ultimate MFJ, a self proclaimed psychic, medium, exorcist and demonologist who bashes...psychics, mediums, exorcists and demonologists.

Yep. Head scratching time. If the front of his T-shirt says MFJ, the back should say WTF???

But I digress.

I started using a method that usually works on discussion groups - you post new material to bump down offensive posts. At first I just posted links related Psychic Kids and the show's cast, and links to The Psychic School on Squidoo, which is an FAQ I put together for fans' frequent questions. But these guys were obsessed. It became a duel of who had more stamina, and it was like playing chicken. I started adding more and more material on - all of it useful, but they were using the typical troll tricks - no matter what you do, they turn it back on you. The goal that I and a few other fans had at that point was just keeping positive stuff on the page for anyone new coming on until A & E woke up and did something to block the trolls.

It wasn't happening.

Reports started coming in that they were contacting fans off the page, by attempted phone calls, e-mails, messages, and attempts to harm reputations online in various ways. We had been through this in April: Ron, Kirby and friends would go for the jugular - for what reason? They were calling us vile things - for what?

Ron summed it up himself in a post:

 "It's all business." The people accusing us of using kids were using those kids themselves to make their reputations, and to attempt to profit off of them. By bashing fans, they were hoping to get the same mileage out of us.

Would you like someone to profit from abuse? I certainly don't. I stand up to abusers. So I became one of their prime punching bags. And that is why we're here, now.

One last thing before I start telling you the stories and activities of the anti-paranormal twins. I'm not pretending to be the only person on this side of the fight. If I do not mention the others who took part in defending Psychic Kids, or others who have in other times and places stood up to Ron and Kirby, it's because I don't want to put them in harm's way. They will and do speak up for themselves, beautifully. I admire all of them so much.

Next Episode: We must start with Ron. He always likes to go first. He'd probably walk over anyone to do that.

What dragged me into the methane cloud...

In 2008, A & E began airing a series called Psychic Kids, which happened to star an acquaintance, Chip Coffey. We had both worked out of the same theater about ten years before, he as artistic director of Kaleidescope Children's Theater, and I as part of The Atlanta Shakespeare Company (ASC). Chip impressed me  then as having a terrific rapport with children. I had no idea he had any psychic interests or abilities. While working on a book about the ASC (which was completely derailed by what followed!) I asked a mutual friend at ASC what Chip was doing lately, because, of all things, I wanted to ask if he had ever encountered a ghost that hung around his office upstairs. She said, "didn't you know? Chip's a psychic working on Paranormal State!"

I hadn't heard of Paranormal State, nor of the series he had just started, Psychic Kids. I found a discussion group attached to his website and went there to leave a question for him. What I found was a discussion group in need of a moderator - big time. Kids were posting there and were receiving some answers that could lead to harm if they were experimenting with psychic ability on their own. Though not a professional psychic, I had been using psychic ability for years, and had done a great deal of research and writing on paranormal topics. By nature, I'm an analyst. In life I had a wealth of paranormal experience. So I contacted Chip and volunteered to take on the moderation.

I had been around all sorts of discussion boards for more than ten years at that point. I knew what worked and what didn't. What resulted after moderation (there are two of us) was a terrific board with great, supportive members, centered by a teaching method with this solid rule: we talk about paranormal activity from a central, neutral point of view. No demonology, no off the wall suggestions, just common sense solutions, and acceptance of all spiritual beliefs without proselytizing.  Troublemakers are not tolerated. It has to be child friendly just in case kids come on, but kids are not encouraged to be members. We ended up almost entirely with parents looking for help, or people wanting help with their own abilities. It's a safe place to come, gaining over seven thousand members in three years. My private messages alone went over 20,000.  Because of that experience I learned how to be a good guardian at the gate. But being a guardian on the Internet has some serious limits of ability.

In April 2011 a serious problem erupted on the Psychic Kids: Childlren of the Paranormal page on facebook. By that time, A & E had decided not to renew the series because of low ratings. I could already tell that was coming from the drastic drop in traffic on Chip's discussion board. The problem was, with the loss in viewer interest in the series, A & E lost interest in monitoring their facebook page. That's when a small group of anti-PK posters began trying to take over the page and shut it down.

Soon friends were gnashing their teeth big time. So I came on the page and began volleying back, posting positive things for the most part, but I ended up trying different ways, any way, to make the troublemakers go away. I learned a hell of a lot about what does not work when you are going head to head with deeply disturbed people.

Ron Tebo and Kirby Robinson were the only open members of that group, often taking credit for managing the others in some way. They took turns playing "good cop, bad cop," determined to to tell fans what to do. I found out from friends that Ron had a long history of doing this, but Kirby seemed to be just a very strange celebrity stalker, in turns like a rabid fan and a even more rabid enemy.

I thought I had seen everything a troll could throw in a flame war until one of the sockpuppets or drones in this little skirmish announced he was reporting me and a few others as child predators.

You don't tell someone who was abused as a child that you're labeling them, without reason, as a child a predator. That was my hot button. It was also a hot button for the others attacked in that way, and the war was begun.

There were lots of fans on that page. There were only about a half dozen attackers, trying to make themselves look bigger by creating sockpuppet accounts and pulling their friends in as drones. They were absolutely vicious about Chip and occasionally about the other experts on the show. Fans who spoke up were attacked, sometimes in very cruel ways.

I was hit hard because I stood in front. I did that deliberately. I am a gatekeeper by nature, when someone is attacking others.

The one thing that became clear during that round is that nothing but hands-on management by A & E could stop the attacks. A & E took a long to time to get around to doing something that worked - or seemed to work. The attacks finally broke around June. But they were far from over, and they had already been moved off of facebook, with pages such as this:

I had no aliases. They had a lot of them. They were attacking real people, whose names I've removed here. They had just begun.

Did Ron write this?  "Huge RED flag" will appear in his writing under his own name. Whether he did or not, he encouraged what was written. He's been encouraging attacks all along. Why? Read on...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Who hasn't smelled the flames? The Methane Hell

I've been involved in discussion boards since usenet was popular. I've been a poster, a moderator, an administrator, and a board owner.

I have NEVER run into wackier more in-your-face guys than Ron Tebo and Kirby Robinson. And that's coming from someone who used to post on, where you could run into some really ingenious and mean flamers.

The problem was, the people dealing with depression tended to be a whole lot more intelligent than these two. Ingenious is not part of their package deal. Mean, disturbing, and dishonest are the rules of their very small world.

When you first encounter them they seem a whole lot bigger, with a wide following, but that's due to extremely heavy self promotion, and the use of lots of online personas. They also attract a few people who are as deeply disturbed as they are - but they are, truly, just a few. They call to mind the Biblical saying "My name is Legion for we are many." There's no legion - just a few people trying to make themselves seem bigger by trying to make others look smaller. They're not intelligent enough to realize this tactic has the opposite effect, once people look behind the curtain.

This blog is intended to take you on a tour behind that ragged drape they would insist is made of velvet.

Recently, Kirby Robinson declared about his website: "The Eye On The Paranormal is fast becoming the "Sixty Minutes" of the paranormal world."

I think Ron Tebo of would challenge that boast.

Kirby must duke it out for whether he or Ron Tebo will become known as the "Andy Rooney" of the paranormal world, since the majority of what they post are personal opinions, and that's it.

So who are these guys? And why would anyone care?

You care when you are constantly dodging or dealing with the feces they fling, like battling monkeys. This blog is of most interest to those who have to deal with them. You'll find some very entertaining and truly useful bits of information along the way.

So - that's it for now. Thanks to everyone who pointed me in directions I wish I hadn't gone in without a bio-hazard kit. Imagine what use all that energy dedicated to nastiness could have done, used by decent people. No one should waste their energy being mean. Someday, someone might turn the tables in unexpected ways, and then what has all that nastiness achieved?

Why Have I Started This Blog?

I started this blog because people who troll and abuse others on the Internet need to learn there are consequences for being mean.  The two biggest problems I've ever had with Internet trolling have styled themselves as public figures, who have gone after a number of people over the past few years, without caring what their actions did to their targets. It's time to turn the tables, not with dishonesty, as they do, but with the truth.

These persons are Ron Tebo of West Seneca, New York, and Kirby Robinson of Los Angeles, California. With a group of hangers on, just like any school age bullies, these two have been flaming people for years, simply because they love to do it. They troll the paranormal community looking for victims. That's why this page is called The Paranormal Troll Files.

The Internet and international law has yet to provide real solutions for libel on websites. Ron's own favorite war cry is no one can take away his first amendment rights! Well, Ron, if they can't take away yours, don't start yelling because I am about to exercise mine, with a difference: No lies. Everything I write will have a reference. If it doesn't have a reference, all I can do is pose a question. Lots of questions. People can make up their own minds about what the answers are.

Who am I? I am a writer and multi-media artist whose work doesn't pay during these bad times, and who can't get a regular job due to my age, health, and possibly reasons Ron and Kirby and Co. have supplied: They have put out on the Internet that I am a "very ill woman" who is a child predator, who makes a fortune running psychic scams on the Internet. I am also called a witch, but ignorant people who know nothing about reality and are jealous of all things by nature, always call women they hate witches. I am not a practicing Wiccan. I practice no religion but have a deep faith.

I am not a professional psychic. I write about psychic topics. I make about $5 a month in royalties on that writing. I may be unemployed, but I keep working no matter what. I want to thank, here, the family and friends who have helped me keep going during a very rough two years. And I thank God that I know that a person who keeps working and creating, no matter what, has a rich life, even when the pockets are empty.

I don't lay down and take abuse from anyone. Kirby recently wrote "any ideas on how to get rid of her" -
the answer is you don't, Ron and Kirby. I don't give you the right to impose yourself on my life. No one ever should. Not to any bullies.