Thanks for the warning, Ron. And for coming out and just being you.
There were requests for help from several children right after this post. I didn't do anything differently - I send them some place to read info already prepared for them on being okay with who they are, and being careful. I can't do anything more than that. It wouldn't be responsible. The one time I advised a child over the phone it was only by arrangement with her mother and her mother had to be there. If I ever teach children about psychic ability - and I haven't yet - a parent must be with the child. Nothing else.
Anyway - I didn't give out the "candy" Ron wanted me to offer, and that was the end of that trap.
He loves to dismiss people as being beneath him:
"Less significant" - he loves to toss that idea around. Along with the different synomyms of stupid - especially at women.
"Your statement is infantile" - anyone not know that's another way of saying I'm stupid? Like disgusting is another form of ugly? I have a lot of similar screen shots of this kind of language.
Answer to Ron: I've had my own attention, I don't need yours. I've been around famous people off and on many times in my life. And by that I mean people who aren't just famous in their own minds. My longtime companion was one of Luciano Pavarotti's accompanists, and with him I met some of the most famous opera singers in the world. I was once run over by Rudolph Nureyev. I've performed with the Chieftains. I've met and sometimes played with many of my musical heroes. I performed with The Atlanta Shakespeare Company for ten years, including performances in Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London. I've been a singer, an actor, a festival performer. I've met presidents and astronauts. First Lady Rosalyn Carter once played a joke on me. I've dined at the elbow of Martin Luther King Sr. I've met many people, been many things, and had a full life. In spite of opinions like, how did you put it at the top of this page?
Another insult made in as many ways as you could figure out how to say. You know what I learned being around famous people? That the constant attention is tiring, especially when there are nuts like you out there trying to hook your wagon to some kind of star, so you can get more attention. I haven't become famous because I don't mind watching from the shadows. I'm not a hustler so I've never made much money. And I've never been pretty enough to be taken advantage of. I love doing what I've done, and yes, I've appreciated the praise and applause along the way, but I like going home better, and doing what I do. Just that.
What have you really done with your life?
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