Kirby is legally blind.
There will be some who ask why I dare bring his physical disability up. Well, for one thing, he and his bully pack have made a big deal of it since Chip Coffey recently imitated on video how Kirby watches television in order to "carefully" monitor paranormal shows - he has to sit right up on the screen. Also: Chip's been harassed by Kirby for a long time. We were all in the middle of a big push of the harassment the day the video was recorded. He was making light of an aggravating situation. Cut him some slack.
I will say Kirby thinks nothing of insulting me and my physical attributes in every way he can, but bullies always do that.
No, I'm bringing up the blindness for another reason:
There is another disability many visually impaired people have that you don't realize until you live or work with them, as I have, or actually spent time being blind - I was temporarily blind as a teen:
They can't see the social clues, so they don't pick them up.
Have you ever realized how much of our communication is visual? It's difficult for someone who is blind to learn how to fit into society. If there are other reasons for not being able to fit in, psychological reasons, emotional reasons, then the task becomes too difficult.
Where Ron makes enemies just to get attention, Kirby makes enemies because he just can't see he's being the enemy. It's like one of his beloved demons chasing its own tail. He's determined to catch the enemy but he never will. In the meantime, everyone else who is paying attention can see him, like a cat waiting behind a grass blade, ready to pounce. Kirby, who wants to be so very big, is a very, very small thing.
I am not cold to the fact that Kirby Robinson is losing his eyesight. But even without the physical problem his vision was already impaired. A narcissist never looks past his own face. And Kirby really can't.
In addition: Kirby has a savior complex. He isn't following Jesus Christ, he has to be the savior! Kirby once wrote that "some people think I am Superman." The "some people" is Kirby.
He believes that repeatedly quoting scriptures and saying he is a true Christian will give him victory over his enemies- ie, make him more noticeable. Never mind that a few months ago he claimed on a radio show that he was Buddhist, but he really doesn't know the difference. From what he has written, he doesn't seem to see the differences. Is it because he knows is that both religions have qualities people admire, and he just wants to be admired?
There are many reasons I have to laugh when Kirby presents himself as a good holy Christian.
For one thing: Kirby can't keep himself from lying. It's a compulsion.
In the middle of the Psychic Kids flame wars, Kirby announced that he was personally flying to Atlanta to meet with the A.B.A. to discuss the qualifcations of Chip Coffey's attorney, who had sent an e-mail to Ron Tebo to warn him to stop libeling Chip as a fraud and child predator.
The American Bar Association? In Atlanta? Why would he have to fly from Los Angeles to see them at all? What would he accomplish on the trip? He could just call or e-mail and find out what he wanted to know. He never did say anything more about the trip.
And...Funny how he didn't take any time off from harassing people that week.
The next week he had his "team of attorneys" serve me with papers suing me over book reviews I had written on his e-books, hysterical that I had used the phrase (justly deserved) that some things in the book were "plain made up." He claimed his lawyers forced to take down the reviews. He also claimed Amazon affirmed that I was always doing "nasty things."
The truth is I deleted the reviews in the wee hours one morning just to see if he would claim he had something to do with it - and he did.
As for the claims of a weekend of conferences with his attorneys - Really? He spent that much money on a bad review, which was not his first? And...he didn't notice the reviews until Sunday. He could contact attorneys in L.A. with a claim on a weekend? Even when asked repeatedly, Kirby would not supply the names of his team of attorneys. He couldn't. There were none.
Of course...I never was served with papers. Kirby doesn't know where I am. I never even received an e-mail from attorneys - that could have been done through my website. And, of course, I would confirm that the e-mail actually came from attorneys, then would send them my evidence about Kirby.
But none of that happened. He just left the idea hanging in the air that he did these things. It's a method he uses over and over again - lie and then be silent when asked to prove the lie is true, like any child who can't learn to handle the truth.
In this recent attack on Chip Coffey Kirby claimed that he couldn't file a lawsuit yet because filing for a lawsuit would cost him $25,000. The fee for filing a civil complaint like this varies, but it averages between $300 and $500 across the country. Lawyers get expensive, but he should have already known that since he claimed to spend so much time with lawyers in September.
I pointed this out and he wrote the lawyer demanded this amount up front. I would think that would be to discourage him from suing, if that happened at all. Kirby is obviously not the kind of man who can put down that much of a retainer fee.
Yet he claims he flies off here and there all the time. While doing exorcism work for free for everyone. at what?
Who's footing his bills? Is he doing all of this on government disability?
There are no high paying jobs for demonologists, his career of choice. (I am rolling my eyes big time.)
Kirby claims to be a demonologist and exorcist with 25 years of experience.
Kirby claims he graduated in the class of 1981 from Indiana State University, majoring in history. He does not list a degree. He also claims to have graduated class of 2004 in psychology from Los Angeles City College. It sounds very impressive. If he graduated from IU with, I assume, a bachelor's degree, how did he go back to an Associate's degree level college, and get a degree in psychology? Psychology is taught at LACC, but in preparation for an Associate's degree in Human Services. In other words - it's a prepatory program for social workers, NOT for psychologists. There's no degree in psychology there. He replied to this by listing all the classes he took in psychology, but he still doesn't list a DEGREE.
Neither school has courses in demonology, and studies in history can lead to graduate work in theology, which might include demonology. However, unless he were an actual university trained clergyman - well, you get my drift.
As far as I am concerned, the only qualified exorcist is a true Catholic or Anglican priest who has been prepared through years of study, and knows how deep the Catholic belief in demons goes. And then, I respect it as a belief I do not share. I don't believe demons. And, I have noticed over the years, if you don't believe in demons, you never have paranormal problems with them.
Belief creates demons.
Kirby attracts them - the human kind. He uses them to make trouble for other people.
Who can't see that?
Only people as psychologically blind as he is.
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