Monday, October 3, 2011

Who hasn't smelled the flames? The Methane Hell

I've been involved in discussion boards since usenet was popular. I've been a poster, a moderator, an administrator, and a board owner.

I have NEVER run into wackier more in-your-face guys than Ron Tebo and Kirby Robinson. And that's coming from someone who used to post on, where you could run into some really ingenious and mean flamers.

The problem was, the people dealing with depression tended to be a whole lot more intelligent than these two. Ingenious is not part of their package deal. Mean, disturbing, and dishonest are the rules of their very small world.

When you first encounter them they seem a whole lot bigger, with a wide following, but that's due to extremely heavy self promotion, and the use of lots of online personas. They also attract a few people who are as deeply disturbed as they are - but they are, truly, just a few. They call to mind the Biblical saying "My name is Legion for we are many." There's no legion - just a few people trying to make themselves seem bigger by trying to make others look smaller. They're not intelligent enough to realize this tactic has the opposite effect, once people look behind the curtain.

This blog is intended to take you on a tour behind that ragged drape they would insist is made of velvet.

Recently, Kirby Robinson declared about his website: "The Eye On The Paranormal is fast becoming the "Sixty Minutes" of the paranormal world."

I think Ron Tebo of would challenge that boast.

Kirby must duke it out for whether he or Ron Tebo will become known as the "Andy Rooney" of the paranormal world, since the majority of what they post are personal opinions, and that's it.

So who are these guys? And why would anyone care?

You care when you are constantly dodging or dealing with the feces they fling, like battling monkeys. This blog is of most interest to those who have to deal with them. You'll find some very entertaining and truly useful bits of information along the way.

So - that's it for now. Thanks to everyone who pointed me in directions I wish I hadn't gone in without a bio-hazard kit. Imagine what use all that energy dedicated to nastiness could have done, used by decent people. No one should waste their energy being mean. Someday, someone might turn the tables in unexpected ways, and then what has all that nastiness achieved?

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