I started this blog because people who troll and abuse others on the Internet need to learn there are consequences for being mean. The two biggest problems I've ever had with Internet trolling have styled themselves as public figures, who have gone after a number of people over the past few years, without caring what their actions did to their targets. It's time to turn the tables, not with dishonesty, as they do, but with the truth.
These persons are Ron Tebo of West Seneca, New York, and Kirby Robinson of Los Angeles, California. With a group of hangers on, just like any school age bullies, these two have been flaming people for years, simply because they love to do it. They troll the paranormal community looking for victims. That's why this page is called The Paranormal Troll Files.
The Internet and international law has yet to provide real solutions for libel on websites. Ron's own favorite war cry is no one can take away his first amendment rights! Well, Ron, if they can't take away yours, don't start yelling because I am about to exercise mine, with a difference: No lies. Everything I write will have a reference. If it doesn't have a reference, all I can do is pose a question. Lots of questions. People can make up their own minds about what the answers are.
Who am I? I am a writer and multi-media artist whose work doesn't pay during these bad times, and who can't get a regular job due to my age, health, and possibly reasons Ron and Kirby and Co. have supplied: They have put out on the Internet that I am a "very ill woman" who is a child predator, who makes a fortune running psychic scams on the Internet. I am also called a witch, but ignorant people who know nothing about reality and are jealous of all things by nature, always call women they hate witches. I am not a practicing Wiccan. I practice no religion but have a deep faith.
I am not a professional psychic. I write about psychic topics. I make about $5 a month in royalties on that writing. I may be unemployed, but I keep working no matter what. I want to thank, here, the family and friends who have helped me keep going during a very rough two years. And I thank God that I know that a person who keeps working and creating, no matter what, has a rich life, even when the pockets are empty.
I don't lay down and take abuse from anyone. Kirby recently wrote "any ideas on how to get rid of her" -
the answer is you don't, Ron and Kirby. I don't give you the right to impose yourself on my life. No one ever should. Not to any bullies.
These persons are Ron Tebo of West Seneca, New York, and Kirby Robinson of Los Angeles, California. With a group of hangers on, just like any school age bullies, these two have been flaming people for years, simply because they love to do it. They troll the paranormal community looking for victims. That's why this page is called The Paranormal Troll Files.
The Internet and international law has yet to provide real solutions for libel on websites. Ron's own favorite war cry is no one can take away his first amendment rights! Well, Ron, if they can't take away yours, don't start yelling because I am about to exercise mine, with a difference: No lies. Everything I write will have a reference. If it doesn't have a reference, all I can do is pose a question. Lots of questions. People can make up their own minds about what the answers are.
Who am I? I am a writer and multi-media artist whose work doesn't pay during these bad times, and who can't get a regular job due to my age, health, and possibly reasons Ron and Kirby and Co. have supplied: They have put out on the Internet that I am a "very ill woman" who is a child predator, who makes a fortune running psychic scams on the Internet. I am also called a witch, but ignorant people who know nothing about reality and are jealous of all things by nature, always call women they hate witches. I am not a practicing Wiccan. I practice no religion but have a deep faith.
I am not a professional psychic. I write about psychic topics. I make about $5 a month in royalties on that writing. I may be unemployed, but I keep working no matter what. I want to thank, here, the family and friends who have helped me keep going during a very rough two years. And I thank God that I know that a person who keeps working and creating, no matter what, has a rich life, even when the pockets are empty.
I don't lay down and take abuse from anyone. Kirby recently wrote "any ideas on how to get rid of her" -
the answer is you don't, Ron and Kirby. I don't give you the right to impose yourself on my life. No one ever should. Not to any bullies.
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