Thursday, October 13, 2011

How Can You Stop Trolls Like Ron And Kirby?

My friends and I learned a lot from the mistake of ever letting these two and their friends get a foot in the door, because they became like tar paper, unwanted and hard to scrape off. We failed to take the following steps: Take them if you find yourself in our shoes.

If you are harassed or attacked on the Internet: Always remember that people like this are imposing themselves on you because their lives are lacking something, big time. They go after the ones who most have what they want. This is, really, NEVER about you at all.

1. Don't respond to them, except to say "stop harassing me."

2. If you have been friends with them and realize they are doing this to other people, or they start doing this to you, drop them. They will try to use you.

3. Don't try to defend yourself. They'll twist your words and who you are and what you do to try to use it against you. (I know that personally.)

4. Block them online any way you can. Report them to a website they are posting on. Get off a website for a couple of months if nothing else works - they'll need a fix and go find other victims.

5. Warn others privately. Cut the trolls off from what they want: attention.

6. Don't make a page like this! If they hadn't styled themselves as public people, going after public people, I wouldn't have done it. I felt I had no other option at the time. Now that it's here, I hope it helps others in the same situation.

For people who create web pages, fan clubs on social sites, or have discussion groups or message boards:

MONITOR YOUR PAGES!!! Be responsible to the people who come there because you offered an open door. Don't leave people who like you open to attack from people who hate you!!!

Thanks for the private messages of support. Please contact me through my website. I am removing any supportive messages here because I don't want anyone else attacked. But I'll leave theirs up, so you can see what kind of people they are.

1 comment:

  1. Sandra, a very nice post. They have certainly caused a fair share of problems for me as well.
